When was Concefa listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange?
What is the symbol for Concefa?
How can one buy Concefa shares?
When will be published the financial situations on the company's profit?
Where can one find proxies to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders?
Where can one find annual reports and quarterly company?
What is the vision of Concefa?
Who are the Board members?
Who are the managers of Concefa?
How can one contact Investor Relations / Shareholders Department?
Which are the latest capital increases carried out?
When was Concefa listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange?
Starting on March 2, 2011, Concefa shares are traded on the regulated market administered by the Bucharest Stock Exchange, the Capital Securities, Category 1 shares.
What is the symbol for Concefa?
Concefa shares are traded under the symbol COFI.
How can one buy Concefa shares?
Buying and selling shares is possible only through a financial investment services companies (SSIF).
Financial investment services companies are legal entities established in the form of joint stock companies, issuing nominal shares, according to Law 31/1990, which have as exclusive object the provision of investment services and work only under CNVM permit. Their contact details are available on the website www.depozitarulcentral.ro, section Participants / Members -> List of participants.
When will be published the financial situations on the company profit?
Financial statements will be presented according to the financial reporting schedule for 2011 that can be found on the website of the company, www.concefa.ro, section "Shareholders".
Where can one find proxies to participate to the General Meeting of Shareholders?
On our website, section "Shareholders", subsection "General Meeting of Shareholders" you can find all materials related to General Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings (convened special purchase, forms of vote by correspondence, draft resolutions and documents for discussion and approval in AGA)
Where can I find annual reports and quarterly company?
The company presents financial data according to the financial reporting schedule, documents that can be found at the section "Shareholders", subsection "financial reports"
What is the Concefa’s vision?
Development of the largest construction companies in Transylvania.
Who are the members of Concefa Board?
Name | Position | Appointment date | Expiry date |
Ec. Benga Daniela | Board president | 07.05.2007 | 07.05.2011 |
Sing. Mihai Ion | Vice-president | 07.05.2007 | 07.05.2011 |
Ing. Cercel Popoviciu Vasile | Board member | 07.05.2007 | 07.05.2011 |
Prof. Todor Raul Marian | Board member | 07.05.2007 | 07.05.2011 |
Ing. Coman Nicolae | Board member | 07.05.2007 | 07.05.2011 |
Who are the Concefa managers?
Name | Position |
Ec. Horatiu Cercel | General manager |
Ec. Maria Catrina | Economic manager |
Ing. Liliana Balanean | SMQ manager |
Ing. Marius Cercel | Manager Sibiu Branch |
Ing. Maria Stadler | Manager Brasov Branch |
Ing. Claudiu Cioncan | Manager Cluj Branch |
Ing. Eugen Dinca | Manager Transport and equipment service |
How can I contact Investors/ Shareholders Relations Department?
More information about shares can be requested from the Shareholders / Investor Relations Department- ec. Adina Stroia, e-mail to office@concefa.ro, 0269.21.82.53 or 0744.76.76.27 or or from the company’s headquarters, Henri Coanda Street, no. 59, Sibiu.
Which are the latest capital increases carried out?
Changes undergone by capital until now are presented in the table below:
Date | Initial share capital (RON) | Final share capital (RON) | Observations |
13.09.2010 | 19.703.920,80 | 56.849.929,10 | Increase with preference rights of shareholders registered by 10.06.2010 (+371.460.083 shares) |
23.02.2010 | 18.868.442,40 | 19.703.920,80 | Increase as result of the merger with BRAVCOF SA BRASOV, company absorbed (+8.354.784 shares) |
26.03.2008 | 4.789.612,20 | 18.868.442,40 | Increase with preference rights of shareholders registered by 08/01/2008 (+140.788.302 shares). |
05.10.2007 | 1.030.273 | 4.789.612,20 | Increase with preference rights of shareholders registered by 18/07/2007 (+37.593.392 shares). |
23.02.2007 | 624.562,50 | 1.030.273 | Increase with preference rights of shareholders registered by 06/11/2006 (+4.057.105 shares). |
04.09.2000 | 624.103,30 | 624.562,50 |