
1937 - Concefa is created within the Regional Railway Brasov. The headquater was in Sibiu and the main objective was to build and repair railways and bridges in the central region of the country. Concefa starts working on the maintenance of Sibiu- Ramnicu Valcea railway.

1984 - Following the reorganization of the system of railway construction in Romania, the company emerges from Regional Railways Central Brasov and becomes contractor of Bucharest Railway Construction, located in the direct subordination of the Ministry of Transport.

1991 – The corporation name becomes Concefa. Shares are owned integrally by the Romanian state.

1994 - The state sells 60% of the stocks to a group of private investors.

1996 - Concefa receives Arch of Europe Award for its contribution to the development of a prosperous business environment in the region. It begins the implementation of the quality management system ISO 9000.

1997 - Concefa stocks are listed on RASDAQ.

1998 - The Romanian state sells entirely the stocks it owns. Concefa becomes a privately owned company. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) ranks Concefa on the second place of the top largest companies of the county.

1999 - CCIR ranks Concefa as the third in the top national private companies and the first in the county.

2000 – The management decides to start business in commerce. The distribution company AmbiMat is created. It is signed the first contract with Lafarge Romania, to distribute cement in the region. Brasov branch is established. For the second year, consecutively, CCIR ranks Concefa the first in the top county.

2001 - Concefa becomes provider approved by the National Oil Company. Metro Cash & Carry chooses Concefa to execute infrastructure at four stores in central and western Romania. Following a decision of the Romanian Government, Concefa executes the largest railway modernization in the last 15 years, through direct delegation. CCIR ranks Concefa for 3rd year on the first place in top largest construction companies in the county and on the 80th place on the national level.

2002 – The management decides to start business in railway transport. It begins operating through Transferoviaria SA. Cluj branch is established. CCIR ranks Concefa on the second place in the top construction companies in the county.

2003 – The management decides to start business in the production of construction materials. In Arpas, it begins the mass wood production, whereas in Concefa halls from Sibiu, it starts production of windows and facades. CCIR ranks Concefa on the second place in the top construction companies in the county.

2004 – Group’s operations intensify in western Romania, by purchasing the main package of SCCF Timisoara shares. Transferoviaria achieves the first place in the county- shipping, air and railway transport section. CCIR ranks Concefa on the first place in the top county.

2005 - The technical material logistics of Concefa Group is expanded and modernized

2006 - Combeton is created as a member of Concefa Group, in order to meet the growing demands of mortar and concrete on construction market, ensuring European quality standards and productivity (Concefa Group acquires a new concrete station with a capacity type LIEBHERR, capable of preparing 80 concrete cubic meters per hour, a JMBH – Mercedes and many motor concrete mixers)

2007 - Increasing activity in the area of real estate: Carpatina, Central Residence, the apartments on Dr Ioan Moga street.

2008 - Acquisition of SC Tunnels Brasov SA. Expanding activities in the field of road works- Brasov ringway.

2009 – The end of the merger by absorption process with Bravcov Brasov. The beginning of collaboration with INR Real Estate Management, in order to start up Silver Mountain project, from Poiana Brasov.

COFI(BVB): details

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