
S.C. TRANSFEROVIARIA S.A. is a privately held company.
In the context of EU integration, which included the achievement of interoperable Romanian and Trans-European rail systems, TRANSFEROVIARIA aims to permanently improve rail delivery service .
Efficient management of human and technical resources allows us to increase performance, fulfilling the European requirements, and ensure their compatibility with your delivery service.
Our company supports continuous quality improvement of rail services offered, which contributes to strengthening and increasing our position on Romanian market through:
- Provision of rail services to fully comply with quality requirements and customer expectations
- Execution of quality work by providing modern reliable solutions, at lowest execution costs
- Observance of the contractual terms
- Dynamic interface that guarantees good communication and accurate understanding of customer needs
- Supporting quality service and railway works by allocating adequate modern resources for equipment
- Use of qualified personnel authorized and trained regularly
- Expanding and improving the quality management system in accordance with customer requirements and business development activities.

Our company covers an important area of Transylvanian railway services market, but also in other areas of strategic importance in Romania.
Categories of services we offer:
- Structure. Railway transport
        - House shipping and interoperable railway infrastructure management
        - House shipping and private railway infrastructure management
- Operator handle industrial lines
- Rail Delivery Services: building maintenance and repairing railway infrastructure (lines, equipment, buildings and specific railway artwork)
- Railway consultancy studies, analysis, regulation of railway transport, technical expertise.
Our company has established a set of procedures to ensure achievement of product / service planned and developed processes, taking into account quality objectives and requirements for the product / service.
Verification and validation processes of services are done systematically by the company's experienced staff, qualified and approved by the organizational structures in the field: MLPTL, MTCT-AFER, CSI, etc.
Supply process is based on a system of evaluation and selection of suppliers based on their capability to provide a product that would be in accordance with the expressed requirements.

The company’s development strategy implies the opening of a new business segment, namely the management of non-interoperable railway infrastructure (sections of lateral movement) and management of industrial rail lines.
This development translates into authorization and execution of the following activities:
- Passenger rail operator
- Rail freight operator
The investment policy of the company is correlated with its growth strategy and aims to rehabilitate and modernize the infrastructure, supply of units able to meet the travelers’ needs, and designing and implementing an integrated information system that allows efficient management of the entire activity.
To successfully include our company in the European Union, we have started implementing a Quality Management System based on the provisions of EN ISO 9001:2001.

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